Jenna Laws Headshot

Jenna Laws, CFP® CFA®

Co-Founder, Chief Compliance Officer

Jenna’s ability to curate beauty and strategy is a trait you don’t see in many people. She sees life through a 360-degree lens, taking in every single part, sorting it, and devising innovative strategies to harness forward growth from what she has learned. Her role here at Evexia is to build a system that seamlessly executes Ben’s vision and to manage a uniquely designed portfolio.  

Her unique credentials of being not only a Certified Financial Planner® but also a Chartered Financial Analyst® are not something you’ll hear her boast about, so we’ll do it for her. There are less than 160,000 CFA® members in the world. In case you hadn’t heard, she’s kind of a big deal. 
Jenna doesn’t only shine when she’s studying changes in the market, she a genuine influence in the important daily conversations in the office that affect our clients’ futures. She’s a believer that built structure allows for excellence in collecting information, ideas, and tiny details so that a strategy can be formed that will improve not only financial health but will help our clients live a well-loved life. 

Jenna finds balance through discipline and research, whether she’s researching stock prices or her family’s next travel experience. She’s a serious scientist of finance as well as being a student of the good life!  

We know you’ll find Jenna to be thoughtful, intelligent, warm, and compassionate. Her willingness to always be improving herself and the lives of our clients is matched only by her love for adventure and a Jane Austin novel. When she’s not strategizing for Evexia, her happy place is building a long-term sustainable growth model for her family and their pups on their farm here in Central Wisconsin. 

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