Kathy Headshot

Kathy Stockton-Behnke

Healthcare Specialist. Medicare Mentor.

Kathy is responsible for helping clients who are exploring their health care options in the marketplace, Medicare supplement insurance, and long-term care insurance. It takes a special person to help people who are dealing with various levels of confusion when it comes to these important programs.  

Being a Registered Nurse in her previous career included time working in the ER, as a hospice nurse, and as a patient advocate.  This experience means that she’s able to talk intelligently about health problems, special needs, and medication concerns you might have. We’re told over and over by clients that her knowledge and her compassion made such a big difference to them in this process.  

Kathy is also an amateur watercolor artist, so she’s able to really paint a picture for clients to ensure that they understand all the various conditions and terms they may be dealing with; this is so valuable to our clients. Kathy likes to say that she loves to teach people to “Be good shoppers” so they feel empowered about the plans they choose.  

She’s kind and funny, exactly the person you want in your corner when making big life choices.  

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